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The heart of CVCS is to develop the whole person through a Christ-centered education and to prepare each student to achieve their fullest potential for God within their world. It is a privilege to prepare future generations of Christ followers.

All academics are taught with the understanding that loving God with your mind involves striving to discover all the evidence of Himself that God has wired into His creation. Therefore, students are encouraged to go beyond the basic requirements with a heart to learn as much as possible.

Developing the Whole Person

Cole Valley Christian Schools seek to develop our students in each of these 6 distinctive areas alongside the influence of parents and the local church.  


The single most important objective of CVCS is the spiritual shepherding of our students.  The administration, faculty and staff recognize the daily pursuit of spiritual goals, using every opportunity presented during curricular and extracurricular activities to disciple students.


We recognize that each student is a unique creation with a potential known only by God.  Therefore, we shepherd our students' intellectual gifts by promoting high academic standards, while accommodating any special academic need within our ability to serve.  Our aim is to help our students realize their full academic potential by encouraging the desire to discover all the evidence of Himself that God has wired into all aspects of His creation.


Jesus calls us to live a Christian lifestyle in the midst of a world that does not recognize Him as Lord.  Because God's will is that all come to know Him, we are to be a light in the darkness illuminating the way to Him.  Our shepherding role with our students demands that we prepare them to live in a world that rejects God and His truth, without becoming of the world.  We challenge them, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to achieve their fullest potential socially within and beyond our walls by loving their world for Jesus.


Shepherding the physical potential of our students is an integral part of our educational program.  The human body that houses the Spirit and intellect must be properly cared for if a disciple of Christ is to impact the world for Him.  Through our athletics, physical education, health and lunch programs, your student will have ample opportunity to care for their bodies while attending Cole Valley Christian Schools.


We were created for relationship; first with God, then with others.  The health of our relationship with God determines our relationship with those around us.  If we are spiritually growing and being made daily into the image of Jesus Christ, then our relationships with others will be filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  It is primarily through relationships that God evangelizes, using His disciples to make disciples.  At Cole Valley Christian, your student will be encouraged to pour into their relationships with God and others.


God created us not only in His outward image, but also in His inward likeness, which includes our emotions (Genesis 1:26). We reflect Jesus as we express our emotions in ways that honor Him. For middle and high school students, managing emotions can often be challenging. We recognize that at times students carry emotional “weights” with them to school that can hinder their learning, their relationships, and their spiritual growth. At Cole Valley, we provide a safe place for students to talk about how they are feeling and learn how to manage their emotions in healthy ways so that they can reach their full potential in the Lord in every aspect of their lives.  As we encourage healthy living in all of these areas, we have the privilege of seeing the Lord develop thriving, maturing students that bring Him glory.

Academic Distinctives

Specific curriculum distinctives at CVCS include the following:

Science courses are taught from a creationist point of view since we believe that "In the beginning, God created...”.

Mathematics is taught as a mirror which reflects God's order and reliability in a unique way, rather than as an invention of man.

Historical time-lines are set in the perspective of God's plan for the ages. We evaluate the impact of biblical principles and individual Christian faith on major historical themes such as exploration, colonization, economic progress, art, literature, and constitutional government.

Language arts are taught to enhance and apply the values of the Christian faith. Because men are influenced by words, and all words communicate some value system; we strive to select and evaluate literature in the light of biblical values. We also give priority to mastery of the written and spoken word.

Bible classes are an integral part of the CVCS curriculum. God's truth is "...profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (II Timothy 3:16, 17)

All classes are presented in the light of biblical truth.

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